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Wakizashi sword Fujiwara Nobuyoshi

Japanese sword Wakizashi by Fujiwara Nobuyoshi A wakizashi forged by Fujiwara Nobuyoshi with koshirae. Black Lacquered Saya (kuro-roiro nuri-zaya wakizashi koshirae) and Shirasaya Wakizashi cases
Wakizashi sword Fujiwara Nobuyoshi 17th century sword Wakizashi by Fujiwara Nobuyoshi 17th century wakizashi traditional short sword Japanese antique sword of medium length - wakizashi Nakago (tang) of Wakizashi sword Fujiwara Nobuyoshi Nakago mei is the signature of a blacksmith-gunsmith Fujiwara Nobuyoshi on Wakizashi sword The habaki of Wakizashi sword by Fujiwara Nobuyoshi The tsuba of Wakizashi sword Fujiwara Nobuyoshi Handle wrapping cord tsuka-ito Wakizashi sword Fujiwara Nobuyoshi Kashira and Fuchi of a tsuka. Wakizashi sword Fujiwara Nobuyoshi Sageo cord Wakizashi sword Fujiwara Nobuyoshi
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Blade length
575 mm
Fujiwara Nobuyoshi
Wakizashi sword
Worthy of Preservation (Hozon Token, NBTHK, 2013)
Status: Price on request Check rates
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This item is not a cold steel weapon.
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The Japanese antique wakizashi sword 

The Japanese antique wakizashi sword of medium length was forged almost 400 years ago. According to the signature on the tang, the sword was made by the blacksmith Fujiwara Nobuyoshi from the lands of Yamashiro. The Society for Preservation of Japanese Art Swords (The Nihon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyōkai, NBTHK) has certified this wakizashi as a “specially guarded sword” and its decorated scabbard has been certified as a work worthy of preservation.

Sword type

Traditional wakizashi short sword.

Sword master

Blacksmith Fujiwara Nobuyoshi in the first generation from Yamashiro province.

Sword creation time

Around the Shoho years (1644-1648).


Length — 575 mm

Ha-cho (Length of the cutting edge) — 34 mm

Sori (curvature) — 13 mm

Moto haba (width of the blade at the bottom of the blade) — 32 mm

Motogasane (blade thickness at the bottom of the blade)  — 7 mm

Sakihaba (blade width at the yokote) — 22,5 mm

Sakikasane (blade thickness at the yokote) — 5 mm

Nakago (tang) length — 157 mm

Nakago mei (blacksmith-gunsmith signature) “Fujiwara Nobuyoshi from Yamashiro Land / Yamashiro no Kuni Ju Fujiwara Nobuyoshi”



Length — 830 mm


Length — 795 mm

Black Lacquered Saya (kuro-roiro nuri-zaya wakizashi koshirae)


NBTHK Certificate for the sword

Status: Hozon Token

Date of Certification: 2013


NBTHK Certificate for the Koshirae

Status: Hozon Tosogu

Date of Certification: 2013


The conclusion of a member of NBTHK and NTHK, an expert of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. 2014

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