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SBW knife Bio Light
SBW knife Bio Light
$4,220 USD
Les George knife Valmara
Les George knife Valmara
$2,610 USD
Justus Knives Small
Justus Knives Small
$3,280 USD
Jean-Pierre Martin Tashi Bharucha Empire Zirconium
Jean-Pierre Martin & Tashi Bharucha…
$4,450 USD
TAD Dervish Mid tech
TAD Dervish Mid tech
$1,650 USD
Reese Weiland Raptor Timascus
Reese Weiland Raptor Timascus
$3,980 USD
Antonio Fogarizzu Recta Flipper
Antonio Fogarizzu Recta Flipper
$18,000 USD
Antonio Fogarizzu Recta
Antonio Fogarizzu Recta
$18,000 USD
Justus Knives 32-2 final
Justus Knives 32-2 final
$4,990 USD
Justus Knives Salamander
Justus Knives Salamander
$4,580 USD
JB Leveque Pic Flipper Marble Carbon
JB Leveque Pic Flipper Marble Carbon
$1,380 USD
Black Snow Customs Sabotage ZircuTi
Black Snow Customs Sabotage ZircuTi
$11,900 USD
JB Leveque Pic Flipper Negatif Lighting Strike
JB Leveque Pic Flipper Negatif Lighting…
$1,380 USD
Fabrizio Silvestrelli Persian
Fabrizio Silvestrelli Persian
$14,300 USD
JB Leveque Pic Flipper Positive Lighting Strike
JB Leveque Pic Flipper Positive Lighting…
$1,380 USD
Jean-Pierre Martin City
Jean-Pierre Martin City
$3,180 USD
Kirby Lambert Deluxe Snap
Kirby Lambert Deluxe Snap
$2,630 USD
Nylund Knives Draupner #7
Nylund Knives Draupner #7
$3,100 USD

The knife is one of the most ancient tools used by mankind. Since the primitive era when knives were made from stones and animal bones, they have become an indispensable device with a very wide range of applications. Knives were widely used by hunters, artisans, sailors and the military.  It should be understood that the manufacture of knives in the pre-industrial era was an extremely expensive and labor-intensive process which in turn affected the cost of the artifact. Even the most primitive knife was a value because until a certain moment not everyone could afford to buy a knife, so they were treated with special frugality. Manufacture and sale of knives turned into a very profitable business.

The design is one of the main criteria for the classification of knives. It is customary to distinguish knives with a fixed blade and folding knives. * It was the latter type of construction that became most in demand at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. This is due to the fact that the legislative base in most countries has changed, carrying a neat oversized knife has ceased to be a crime. "Knife boom" began in the US, where it began to grow dramatically on the so-called EDC knives (EDC — "every day carrying”). The appearance of convenient folding mechanisms allowed men always have a multifunctional tool in the pocket of everyday clothing. Our online store of exclusive knives specializes in the sale of gentle and tactical EDC knives from the world's best knife makers. In the store of Maria Stalina you can buy author's knives of a suitably personal style and size. In any degree the craving for such "toys" is experienced by almost every man. Who have not played “mumble-the-peg” in his childhood or tried to build a ship out of wood?  You see, a plain penknife in hands of an adult man will look somewhat ridiculous. Therefore many of us are thinking about buying a knife, which corresponds to age and status. We must understand that a tactical or gentleman's fine-art blade is a great opportunity to pin the attention of others around. Even a person who has not previously shown any interest in knives is likely to show curiosity when in his field of vision there is an object that so powerfully repels from itself even the slightest hint of everyday life.

Among other things such an accessory is simply necessary for permanent wearing. Every day there are situations when you need to use a knife. To open envelope with your finger is bad manners, besides, you can cut yourself. Apple is more convenient to eat slices. At any time it is possible to open the jammed interior door, remove the annoying thread on clothes, sharpen a pencil, pull off the cover of the smartphone or cut the cable. The knife is an indispensable outdoor assistant that capable in a number of situations save your life. For example, when it becomes necessary to cut the locked seat belt in the car or to disconnect the elevator doors in case of a fire

An important thing is the psychological factor. The people around will not be positive about the person who has a sheath with a huge cleat on his belt while a small folding knife will hardly cause any fear.That’s why EDC is perfect for city. If you want to order a knife, but you can’t decide the model we advise you to consult with the specialists of our company. Our catalog of knives includes more than 200 original models.

"Knives of Maria Stalina" is famous knife store in St. Petersburg, We cooperate with the most famous knife makers from different countries. Here you can buy folding knives in St. Petersburg or delivery in Russia. Delivery to other states is carried out. Experienced consultants help you to choose the knife and tell you in detail about each knife presented on the site.

Maria Stalina Knives 197341, Saint-Petersburg Kolomyazhsky Avenue. 28-3 +7 (812) 676-33-47 +7 985 998 23 33 WhatsApp Telegram