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Ring Starlingear Sailor customization Maria Stalina ®

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55 g
White and yellow metal, bronze, stones
Starlingear size
Status: Sold
Comes with: author packaging (case, certificate, warranty card).
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Customized ring Popeye the Sailor with Aurora’s attributes

Maria Stalina recruited the pride of the American navy Popeye the Sailor and sent it for further service to Aurora. A massive ring from the famous brand Starlingear was produced in California and customized with jewels on Russian soil. The white Sailor Cap is emblazoned with the name of the symbol of the October Revolution, a large shining gem is installed in the eye socket, scarlet almandine is “smoldering” in the tobacco pipe. The left temple is engraved with a floral ornament.

A cartoon star in love with Olive Oyl, a lobbyist for the spinach – the accessory with this character was produced as a puncher-ring. The hat and the skull are cast in white hypoallergenic metal that does not corrode. Sea dog’s weathered face has stubble on it, the White Sailor Cap is decorated with the “orange peel” texture. After being customized in Russia, the sailor’s appearance got an additional feature – noble blackening that emphasizes the stone in the eye. The proud inscription “Aurora” made of yellow metal (as a cap on the sailor’s tooth) is glowing on the skillfully made blackened background.

Famous tobacco pipe is cast in bronze. Its chamber hides a secret – a red-blooded gem.

Trademarks of Starlingear and Maria Stalina are engraved on the back of Popeye’s head. 

The ring is made in Puncher size, which means it is the largest size from the American brand. It covers the whole phalanger of the finger.

Popeye the Sailor comes with a certificate of authenticity. 

Hamlet had Yorick, you can have Popeye the Sailor! Decorate your hand with a stylish skull. Make others green with envy. Just one click and this brutal customized masterpiece will shine on your finger!

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