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Ring Starlingear Tengu customization Maria Stalina ®

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59 g
White metal, synthetic stones
Maria Stalina ®
Starlingear size
Price: $3,640USD
In stock
Comes with: author packaging (case, certificate, warranty card).
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Customized Tengu ring with gems 

Tengu ring is a bright, bold, jeweled reincarnation of the famous Starlingear ring model customized by the Maria Stalina brand. A mocking face with a large nose got a fresh coat of paint. A famous brutal skull from the American manufacturer put on a jacket made of hundreds of faceted gems!

The ring is made in one copy. This luxurious large ring is an accessory for brave people who can mix different styles. For those who can put on Lanvin sneakers with a suede tuxedo. For a person who comes to a party wearing his favorite ripped jeans, faded t-shirt and emphasizes his status only with an impressive shining ring. 

In Japanese mythology, Tengu is considered a forest prankster and a mighty warrior, a type of supernatural being, a spirit of the Japanese mountains and forests. Tengu has many faces. The most famous one is a huge long-nosed monk with a red face.

Our Tengu was born in Starlingear Corporation, Los Angeles. The ring was cast in white hypoallergenic metal and hand-polished. Then Tengu crossed the ocean and came to Maria Stalina’s store, where the Japanese creature got its “natural face color” in such a quaint way.

Tengu was flushed with the finest jewelry work. More than 800 (!) synthetic gems of blood-red, anthracite and emerald color are anchored on the creature’s face. Each stone is securely fixed in a personal “nest”. Exotic eyebrows were first painted with expensive yellow metal and then decorated with glowing polyhedrons. The biggest stones shine in the demon’s eyes with the devilish green light.

Metal was blackened to emphasize the stone’s glowing. Tengu’s temples are decorated with two monograms: logos of Starlingear and Maria Stalina brands. The Starlingear size of the ring is engraved on the inner surface – it says 10.

Tengu is a brilliant man’s accessory that features a lack of modesty. This large ring triumphs over other accessories, it draws attention with its brutal forms and bright decoration. This is a perfect accessory for a person who is ready to impress.

Don’t miss the chance to become the favorite of Japanese forest goblin, decorate your hand with Tengu’s radiance!

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