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Marfione Custom Knives (Marfione Anthony)

The legendary founder of the Microtech brand Anthony Marfione

Marfione Custom Knives, LLC is a brand of custom knives by Anthony Marfione, founder of the now-legendary American company Microtech Knives, Inc. Since childhood, Marfione adored pocket knives and already at school began to collect them. Most of the members of the Marfione family worked in construction, Anthony went to study mechanics. In these courses, the future knifemaker received his first metalworking skills.

At the end of his studies, Marfione got married and had his first child. The family needed money, the purchase of folding knives became an unaffordable luxury. Love for knifemaking was limited to communicating with collectors and inspecting new products in stores. At that time, Marfione respected the products of Gerber and Al Mar. But his favorites were the Chris Reeve knives, especially the simple design of the Sebenza series.

Tony had two jobs: a construction and a knightly weapons workshop. The latter work has allowed Marfione to attend numerous trade shows throughout America. At one of these shows, Tony met Al Mar. When he saw the speed knives disassemble, and promised to make his automatic knife.

So in 1992, the UDT Mini Seal was born — the first work by Marfione. Anthony chose the name as a tribute to the legendary detachment of American navy seals, and part of the mini corresponded to the size of the knife. However, colleagues and friends used the words micro, "microtechnology" about Tony's work. It was these epithets that eventually transformed into the name Microtech.

Tony presented  UDT Mini Seal in another gunsmith show. The Marfione's "micro knife" aroused interest. So the Reeve brand made an offer to order 10,000 samples. 

After returning from the exhibition, the knifemaker asked for advice from his wife. They decided to take a chance and start a business. Tony resigned from all jobs and persuaded his colleagues in the weapons shop to join his business. The first knives were made on a machine in Marfione's apartment. They received a gift — the logo of the future company.

In 1994, Florida-based Microtech Knives, Inc. began mass production of automatic knives. Microtech's products immediately won the respect of customers. The company gained widespread popularity with the Manufacturing Quality Award — an award given by Blade Magazine, the most authoritative publication on knifemaking.

Microtech Knives, Inc. started the collaboration with the United States Army. The company has won tenders for the supply of rapid response units. Anthony Marfione's knives became part of the ammunition for parachutists and underwater paratroopers. The knives became a cult for fans of the military style.

Anthony continued to create an original item, even after achieving success in mass production. The master opened Marfione Custom Knives — Microtech's division specializing in custom knives. The brand offers both original replicas of serial models and knives with a completely original design. Each knife is assembled by hand and has an authentic certificate.

You can find a lot of Marfione Custom Knives on our website. For example, Warhound flipper knife with a hand-crafted satin grip or the Sigil Metallic knife with an anodized titanium backspacer.

Marfione Custom Knives Sigil Metallic
Marfione Custom Knives Sigil Metallic
Marfione Custom Knives Sigil Copper
Marfione Custom Knives Sigil Copper
Marfione Custom Knives Sigil Black
Marfione Custom Knives Sigil Black
Marfione Custom Knives Warhound
Marfione Custom Knives Warhound
Marfione Custom Knives Sigil Elmax
Marfione Custom Knives Sigil Elmax
Marfione Custom Knives Starlord
Marfione Custom Knives Starlord
Marfione Custom Knives Socom Bravo
Marfione Custom Knives Socom Bravo
Marfione Custom Knives Matrix-R
Marfione Custom Knives Matrix-R
Marfione Custom Knives Starlord Abalone
Marfione Custom Knives Starlord Abalone
$5,740 USD
Marfione Custom Knives Anax
Marfione Custom Knives Anax
$5,960 USD
    Maria Stalina Knives 197341, Saint-Petersburg Kolomyazhsky Avenue. 28-3 +7 (812) 676-33-47 +7 985 998 23 33 WhatsApp Telegram